Traditional Coaching

Uniquely tailored support to help you reach your goals.

Getting to the best version of you.

Traditional coaching services are for those who are seeking to meet professional or personal goals.

If you are feeling lost, unmotivated, burnt out, or just struggling to get where you want to go and want to “talk through” whats happening, Traditional Coaching services may be a good fit for you. Together we will identify blocks and strengths, to help design a road map with accountability to get, and keep you, where you want to be.

What to Expect

Our 8 week coaching program addresses topics such as goal setting, managing anxiety/ arousal regulation, how to incorporate meditation and visualizations, pre performance routines, and much more, all uniquely tailored to YOU and your goals.

What it looks like:

  • One, 45 minute meeting each week ( ZOOM or call)

  • One, 30 minute phone call per week

  • Two email check ins per week for accountability

  • Weekly Homework assignments for you to practice new skills outside of our meetings.

Schedule your free 20 minute introductory phone call today to find out of traditional coaching is a good fit for you to meet yor goals.

Who Is Traditional Coaching for?

Traditional coaching can be a good fit for anyone who is seeking accountability and guidance around a specific goal or aspect of the their life. Some examples of reasons why people may engage in coaching are:

  • Wanting to increase their output or performance at work

  • Advance in their career or business but are feeling lost on how to do so

  • Wanting support finding or maintaining work/life balance

  • Improve your leadership, communication or executive skills

  • Work through blocks such as performance anxiety, public speaking fears or conflict avoidance

  • Wanting to hit your personal records (PR) either for professional or personal reasons

  • Seeking accountability to meet goals