Brainspot your way to your best self.

See how brainspotting can increase your confidence, help you work through burnout and meet your goals.

Brainspotting Enhancement



Increase confidence, meet your career goals, fight burnout.

Hit your PR’s, overcome slumps, move through injuries and perform at your best self.

Performers & Artists

Higher Self Seekers

Those seeking to enhance their intuition, deepen connection and explore their life’s purpose more deeply.

Tap into your full creative potential, unlock blocks and fully immerse yourself into your creative space.

Equestrian Specific

Increase your connection to your horse, work through trouble spots and experience your best ride.

Traditional Coaching

Tailored to you and your unique goals, traditional coaching sessions offer support, accountability and teach you the skills you need to find success. Katie takes a holistic approach with coaching not only focusing on goals, but looking at over all wellness, stress management and resources that will help clients find and maintain success.