What is Brainspotting?

Brainspotting ( BSP) is a powerful treatment method that was discovered by David Grand, PhD in 2003 while working with a figure skater seeking to improve her performance. It is a physiological approach with psychological results; delving deep into the core of your subconscious and unlocking unexplored pathways to recovery and personal growth. Brainspotting helps our brains repair neural connections that have been modified due to stress, injuries, or confusing and upsetting events and allows us to have a more conscious awareness of our bodies, emotions and responses.

Brainspotting enhancement coaching is an ideal support for those seeking to work through performance related anxiety, fear or recovery after an injury or are in a “slump” with their performance and want to boost confidence. It is also helpful for professionals and entrepreneurs who may be struggling with public speaking, motivation, work- life boundaries or imposter syndrome. Artists, writers and performers have also benefited from brainspotting; removing creative blocks and bringing them more deeply into their creative space.

How brainspotting works:

Our eyes and brains are intricately woven together and signals sent from our eyes are deeply processed in the brain which then reflexively and intuitively redirects where we look. Adverse life experiences and stress can overwhelm the brain’s processing capacity, causing our brain to function less effectively. Brainspotting uses our field of vision to find where we are holding these experiences, seeking the specific internal spot where the experience is stored. It then allows deep, non-verbal processing to release and resolve whatever is held.  Brainspotting is based on the premise that the brain is naturally self-healing and the role of the administrator is to set and hold a frame that promotes the participants innate self-healing capacities.

What to Expect During a Brainspotting Session:

 During a session, your coach will help you to access a brain spot that you will maintain for the majority of the session.  It is good to approach it with curiosity and to stay curious during the process. You will be guided throughout the session by your coach.   You may use bi lateral music to aid in the processing.  Clients have described Brainspotting sessions as timeless, and experiential journeys that result in greater wholeness and a sense of well-being. Physical sensations of numbness, temperature change, tingling, vivid visual memory, and memory flashes are some common sensations, as well as a full range of emotions such. Each persons brainspotting experience is unique. Calmness is most typically felt by sessions end. 

The amount of brainspotting sessions needed to achieve desired outcome is dependent on the person and the desired goal, but typically 3-5 sessions yields a positive outcome.

Other resources to learn more:

Brainspotting website: https://brainspotting.com/

Book; This is Your Brain on Sports, Beating Blocks, Slumps and Performance Anxiety for Good! by David Grand, PhD.

Book; Dr. Dyslexia’s Guide to Sports Psychology for Equestrians by Margot Nacey, ED.D

Healing Trauma from Sports with brainspotting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z56NOgo8wPc

30 for 30 Shorts featuring Mickey Sasser, MLB star, who used brainspotting: https://grantland.com/features/30-for-30-shorts-fields-of-fear/

About Katie

Katie Dolinsky is a Masters level clinician, coach and certified brainspotting practitioner. Her clinical practice is dedicated to helping heal relationships, and she became interested in coaching and working with performance when she saw the transformative power of brainspotting and how it could help people reach their goals outside of therapy, as well as the intersection of relationships within people’s careers, hobbies and other goals. Katies approach to coaching is primarily using brainspotting, but also mindfulness and a “whole person approach” to goals. Katie especially enjoys working with equestrians, as she is one herself, as well as those seeking their “highest self” spiritually.

Katies training includes:

MA in Marriage and Family Therapy

Brainspotting, Phases 1, 2, 3

Specialty Brainspotting Trainings include:

Brainspotting & Attachment, Brainspotting; Spirituality and Intuition, BSP Working Outside the Window of Tolerance, and Brainspotting Couples Co Regulating. She continues to seek consultation and training with brainspotting.

She is a certified brainspotting practitioner.

Katie also has training in cognitive behavioral techniques, positive psychology, level 1 hypnosis, and mindfulness based stress reduction.