Frequently Asked Questions

How is coaching different than therapy?

Coaching is action-oriented and future-focused, helping people learn from experience and create solutions to achieve their goals. Therapy is insight-oriented and past-focused, helping people understand their context, patterns, and feelings to heal from the past and find new ways of being. During our work together, we will be focused on meeting specific goals around an area of your life, such as career, performance, or personal interest, and not focused on symptoms which may be causing distress. If it is determined that therapy might be a better fit for the goals you are trying to achieve, I can help you find a referral.

How many sessions will I need to see success?

How many sessions it takes to achieve your goals is dependent upon several factors, some being the goals you are trying to achieve, what type of coaching you choose to engage in, your level of commitment to assignments outside of sessions or how your brain responds to the brainspotting process. Typically we see positive results from 1-5 brainspotting enhancement sessions and Katie’s typical coaching protocol is an 8 week minimum.

Can I do both brainspotting enhancement and traditional coaching?

Absolutely! You can mix and match your coaching services to best meet your goals and needs. Brainspotting enhancement sessions are scheduled as requested. Traditional coaching is typically an 8 week minimum commitment, so it’s easy to intertwine the two.

How much does coaching cost?

Brainspotting enhancement sessions are 90 minutes long and $225 per session. Traditional coaching includes one, 60 minute session per week, one 30 minute phone call per week and two email check ins. Cost is $250 per week and the program is typically an 8 week minimum.

Can I use insurance to help pay for coaching?

No, you can not use insurance to pay for your coaching services, as you would need a formal mental health diagnosis for insurance to cover services ( coaching does provide mental health diagnosis). If you feel therapy is a more appropriate fit for your needs, please reach out and I can help you find a referral!

How do I sign up?

Contact to sign up, or submit an inquiry through our contact page!